About Me

My name is Katie.  I  work full time.  I am mommy to the most wonderful, loving, funny, kind-spirited, mischievous, gorgeous, intelligent little monkey God ever created.  He truly is my sunshine. 

I never really knew very much about food allergies, or allergies in general, until my little guy was diagnosed.  We have good days and bad days.  Every day is full of anxiety and unknowns, but each day is also filled with hope, laughter, and love. 

Since my lovebug was diagnosed with dairy, egg, and peanut allergies in 2012, my whole life has been flipped upside down.  Before I could grab something out of the freezer and pop it in the microwave for dinner.  Now, each meal is thoroughly thought out in order to avoid all allergens.  This is not easy to do with a picky pre-schooler. 

My mission with this blog is to help others.  When the little monkey was first diagnosed, I am pretty sure I stayed up for 72 hours straight reading every blog, web entry, medical journal article, and searching for any recipe I could find.  I have to say, my legal research skills from college were really put to use when trying to weed out what was credible and what was mere opinion. I hope that when you read this blog, your eyes and hearts are opened to those who struggle every day to find meals that are safe for them and that don't send them to the ER.  I hope you find a new respect for all of those parents out there who struggle financially to meet the costs of raising a child with food allergies, and struggle with being judged by other parents who think they are "over-reacting" to the food allergy epidemic.  I hope you realize that children who deal with these life-threatening allergies on a daily basis are no different than any other kid when it comes to deserving to be treated equally and making sure that basic health needs are met.  I hope that together, we can make the world a safer place for everyone.

Happy Reading:)


  1. Beautiful. I am researchy, too. We types make great allergy moms. ;)

  2. My daughter is 19 months old and has the same allergies as your son. I can totally relate to everything you're going through/have been through.

  3. My son (3) was diagnosed with food allergies a few months ago. He took me awhile to find a doctor who would agree he needed to be tested for food allergies. He was tired and rundown a lot and he would get terrible skin outbreaks. Which would usually lead to him getting sick and on a nebulizer meds for 10 to 14 days. He is allergic to beef, corn, eggs, peanuts, and pineapples. It's nice to know there are other moms out there who have to deal with the same thing. None of my friends have kiddos with allergies.

  4. I'm not sure if you still operate or run this blog, but I have an 18 month old son who has been diagnosed with food allergies - 26 foods that we know of at this point! I deal with a daycare director who is more concerned about my son's lack of participation in the state and federal food program than my son's actual allergies. And, she doesn't believe me that he is allergic to all the foods he is (despite the medical testing documents to support the diagnosis). I was just curious if you or any other readers have encountered similar issues or have any advice?
